Hi. Johnny Lee here – also known as the Potty Perfectionist.
Let me address the obvious issue first…. I know this is a weird topic for an entire website. No one tells their high school guidance counselor that they want to blog about pooping for a career.
But stick with me. This information radically changed my health for the better. Better elimination and proper digestion can improve your health far beyond avoiding an embarrassing fart or occasional tummy ache.
I’ll suffer the embarrassment on your behalf by sharing my experience.
Regardless of your situation, you can always learn something to improve your health.
So what is Potty Perfection?
In modern vernacular, PP is when your gastrointestinal (GI) tract is sending you happy emojis.
For example:
- Easy to pass stools (but not too easy)
- Minimal bloating, farting, or other noises
- Stinky, but not horrible smelling, poo
- Extracting maximum nutrients from your diet
- And many more
Angry emojis would (obviously) be the opposite.
This is a very common problem!
According to the American College of Gastroenterology,10-15% of adult Americans suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) symptoms. That’s like 30 million people dealing with reoccurring cramps, diarrhea,constipation, farting, and so on. It’s one of the most common disorders seen by primary care physicians.
Only half of those 30M people ever get diagnosed. Living lives of quiet discomfort and assuming their experience is “normal.”
If that weren’t bad enough, the cost of healthcare for millions of Americans continues to rise. Even in light of massive regulatory changes to the entire industry.
It’s more important than ever to take more ownership of our health. Practice healthier habits and avoid unnecessary trips to the hospital.
About me
I’m a normal guy who reached mid-30s who started questioning the nature of my health after a few setbacks. And I was shocked at how dramatically my health improved after achieving true regularity.
To put it bluntly, I have amazing dumps. I achieved Potty Perfection – and I’m proud to admit it. I discovered that the health benefits of a properly functioning GI tract go far beyond reducing gas and socially awkward situations. It can truly change your life. If you think that’s crazy or TMI, check out my experience before hitting the back button.
I’m about to shi(f)t your potty paradigm!
Let’s rewind several years…
“It’s NORMAL to pass 2-3 easy (yet solid) stools a day – generally complete by the early afternoon.”
I read that in a heath improvement book – and I didn’t believe it. Not because it was unbelievable, but because I couldn’t think of a time in my life when that ever happened.
I was looking for answers to why I was so foggy, tired, irritable, and gaining weight. I was pushing mid-30s and not exactly in my prime, but still exercised regularly. And c’mon – I wasn’t THAT old. I enjoyed virtually limitless energy all the way through my 20s. I figured I would slow down a bit, but I wasn’t ready to be geriatric.
A few weeks prior, my mother mentioned something about “immunity beginning in the gut” as I lamented my health concerns. I was initially dismissive but it got me thinking. (btw… thanks mom!)
A few months later, I was transitioning (moving coast to coast) and figured – what the heck – why not take a deeper look?
By that time, I would go days without a bowel movement. Then I would cycle between petrified craps and diarrhea. Farting was a way of life. And I had constant fogginess in my brain – which I assumed was totally normal.
Again, sorry if that’s TMI, but what I just described is NOT uncommon. Just look at the google trends for people researching constipation over the last 15+ years. That trend line is firmly moving in one direction – and it ain’t pretty.

Perhaps you’re one of those millions of people – looking for more than a few semi-useful tricks.
If so, you’ve come to the right place. You won’t be disappointed.
Now, I know there are countless articles out there about pooping. I’ve probably read most of them. The best ones usually have a handful of tips like:
“eat more fiber”
“drink more water”
(and of course…)
“buy our product”
While these aren’t always wrong, there’s more to it — at least if you want to really see long-term improvement. I didn’t find many comprehensive resources – and rarely any personal experiences. I mean, let’s be honest… it’s not exactly first-date material.
Luckily for you, I’ve got kids. Poop doesn’t scare me. And I’m a dude. Writing about bodily functions is probably some sort of juvenile dream-come-true. I’m here to let it all out – if you know what I mean.
That means that you, on the other hand, may continue researching this site in total privacy – no one has to know! (Other than Google. And probably Facebook. And for sure the NSA – to prevent some form of terrorism. But other than that, you have total privacy!)
I started this website to share my experience. Hopefully in so doing, it helps you too!
Full disclosure: I do have affiliate links throughout the site. I recommend a few products that have personally helped me on this journey. Even though using the links won’t cost you a penny, commissions help me keep the lights on. So thanks for your support!
Stick around. Learn something new. Start your own journey to PP. Once you do, you will never be the same.
I experienced a long list of incredible health improvements on this journey. Read about my transformation here.
To your health,
— The Potty Perfectionist