I’ll concede that potty perfection is more of a journey – rather than a final destination. But you definitely know when you’ve entered the correct zip code.
While my transformation from “toilet torture” to “potty perfection” has been a couple of years in the making, a lot of that was trial and error. I experienced several moments of instant improvement, but there aren’t many home-runs. However, there are plenty of base hits. It doesn’t take much to drive up the score.
Quick Disclaimer: Each person is a unique little snowflake. My results are simply that – mine. I share them hoping you will be encouraged to start your own journey toward PP. If you do, I am confident that you will not be disappointed. But I am not a physician. Always consult with your doctor before doing something new if you have medical concerns.
Until I sat down and listed all my improvements, I didn’t fully realize how incredible the transformation has been. Below is a condensed version of that list.
So without further delay, let’s get into it…
Lost unnecessary weight
I dropped 15 lbs – and kept it off. Before I started cleaning my system out, I was pushing 190lbs – even though I was running and biking regularly. I wasn’t grossly overweight, but I had clothes that I simply couldn’t wear any more. You know, that pair of jeans you hang on to… praying they’ll someday fit again. After completing my first GI and liver cleanse, I dropped all the way down to 165 (over about 4 total weeks – including a break between). Dropping weight was expected, but I’ve since settled between 170-175lbs – and have been there since. I haven’t dramatically altered my workouts, although I do feel more energy. I’m sure there’s a fancy scientific explanation, but it feels like a combination of more efficient digestion and a general attraction to healthier foods.
Improved complexion/appearance
Dramatically lightened the dark circles under my eyes. This was an unexpected bonus. I’ve always had soft tissue under my eyes. For as long as I could remember, it was rather dark. Not gothic dark, but enough that I noticed a significant improvement after cleansing my gut.
I’ve also noticed improved skin tone and less acne. This wasn’t a major concern for me prior to PP, but it was a noticeable difference.
Better Circulation
Increased circulation was a pleasant surprise. It’s one of those things I wouldn’t have even considered, but what a difference! I don’t feel as cold when the temperature changes and all my digits tend to maintain temperature when it gets chilly. That alone would be nice enough, but better circulation is massively important for improving your general health. Blood circulation could be the most important function in your body. It carries oxygen to the brain and other organs. It’s what makes our bodies work. It can also promote cellular growth.
Increased energy levels
My energy levels jumped dramatically. Before this journey, I remember seriously fighting off sleep every afternoon. It was a fight I often lost, even though I regularly slept 8+ hours each night. I would sit in my office after lunch and hope no one would see me nodding off. My concentration would circle the drain for a few hours before punching the clock. Anytime I could steal a nap, I would. I thought I was just one of those guys who needed it. Now I rarely nap. And unless I eat a really heavy lunch, I always have the energy to focus all day. I still sleep 7-8 hours at night, but if I miss a couple of hours, I’m not falling asleep at the wheel.
Dramatic increase in mental clarity
This piggy-backs on the increased energy levels. But I love that I’m not constantly fighting back brain fog. Even when I wasn’t fatigued, I often found myself searching for the right word, or recalling an important detail. Needless to say, it was very frustrating. I won’t say that it never happens now, but it’s much less frequent and I definitely notice a greater capacity to focus without the use of stimulants like caffeine. I’m still working on cleaning my brain/body of unwanted toxins, but I can actually sit and concentrate on projects for several hours without distraction or fatigue. (Like creating this website!)
Note: if you want to dig deeper on the topic of detox, I highly recommend The Detox Dudes.
Changed my pallet
It was like God swapped out some of my taste buds. This was one of the most dramatic differences I noticed after completing my first liver cleanse. I literally acquired a taste for different foods… while feeling less drawn to others. For example, I used to absolutely crave pizza. I’m not exaggerating by saying that I would eat it 1-3 times a week. I still enjoy pizza (infrequently) – but it’s not an addiction. On the other hand, healthy foods that I found repulsive suddenly didn’t seem so bad. Apple cider vinegar is something I couldn’t tolerate. Now I actually enjoy having a little bit daily. I eat a salad every day now – and I miss it when I skip.
I discuss my eating habits more in-depth in Part II – Taking Action.
Pooping is now a delight
That might sound like an exaggeration (or even a little weird), but it’s 100% accurate. As I’ve mentioned before, pooping was a source of personal anxiety. There was nothing relaxing or relieving about it. My craps would rotate between super hard, super watery, and super not-at-all. I thought this was normal! And the smell…. I’m lucky my wife didn’t leave me. Or die from asphyxiation.
Now I look forward to my daily poops. It’s like a nano-vacation from the workday where I feel genuine relief and express gratitude for how things have changed. And I usually go 2-3x a day – glorious! No, it doesn’t smell like roses, but it dissipates quickly and no longer is anyone traumatized.
Ended the relationship with my toilet plunger
I know it’s not technically an improvement to my health. This makes the list because it’s that cool.
I used to be very handy with the plunger. It was not uncommon for my toilet to cry uncle after I paid a visit. I even had one of those accordion-style plungers to provide adequate force.
Not so anymore! Since embarking on this journey… I have never clogged the toilet. Over two years and counting. That’s the God’s-honest truth. And it’s not because they are small (trust me). Amazing fact: when your crap isn’t compressed into petrified wood, it usually flushes on the first try!
Goodbye Gas – Farewell Farts
That’s only a slight exaggeration…. but compared to what I used to deal with, it’s practically true. The old me used to fight against farting all day. (In public anyhow. As I said, my wife really should be canonized.) I knew that whatever I unleashed might peel paint off the walls. I still get occasional gas, but it rarely even smells. Unless, of course, I’ve experimented with the healing power of garlic. I reserve those days for my arch enemies.
Greater sense of well-being
This might simply be a combination of all the other improvements, but really feel so much better. And I’m more in tune with my body. I believe it also has something to do with the sense of accomplishment I feel for taking action to improve my health. I have more ownership over my own body and am better equipped to deal with life stressors. I notice when I eat something that my body disapproves of – and visa versa. It’s like having a reverse eating disorder. Instead of a destructive and controlling mindset, I feel more freedom to appreciate my body – both inside and out. Not that I never make a bad eating decision, but I bounce back quickly and am more ready to forgive. I don’t seek as much comfort in certain foods. I’m more willing to take steps in confidence in other areas of my life because of the victories I’ve had in my health. I have faith that that there is even more to hope for and a more abundant life.
This gratitude led me to start this website! I’ve never done anything like this and enjoy sharing my experience. I sincerely hope it helps you on your own health journey.
Improved immunity – big time
When I embarked on this journey, I assumed I would have some improvement. But the results have greatly exceeded my expectations. In the two years since following the rules I outline in Part II, I have only been really sick one time. Several times my entire family got sick (I have two little kids!) and I miraculously sat it out. Or I would feel slightly under the weather for a day. The one time I actually got the flu, I was only off my feet for about 24 hours – unlike the rest of my family who were out for several days.
I’ve barely even had a cold! It’s rather astonishing. When I think about all the seasonal allergies, head colds, respiratory congestion, stomach bugs, and whatever other crud I used to get, I sometimes wonder if I’m bulletproof.
And unless you live under a rock, you know healthcare is becoming more expensive. I suspect access to healthcare professionals will become more restricted as well. It’s worth investing some time/money/effort into your own heath and preventing more serious issues in the future. Many of the things I’ve done are relatively inexpensive (or free). Each improvement seems to have a synergistic effect with the previous ones. I really was surprised as how quickly I started improving.
Major reduction in cold sores (oral herpes)
Go ahead, crack a joke. I could lump this into the previous paragraph, but it was so unique it deserves a special mention. This alone was worth the effort!
I began getting cold sores in my early 30s. And from that point forward, they would reappear about every 6 months. Like clockwork. It was repulsive and embarrassing. They usually lasted 10-14 days. I would smother that sucker in Abreva, hoping to shorten the lifespan by even one day. After my initial gut/liver cleansing (fall 2016), I went 2 years before getting another one. So far that’s been the only one. And it was pretty tame compared to prior experiences. I wish I could say it was completely cured, but so far this trend is pretty kickass.
Cure my cracked lips
Cured my angular colitis (cracked lips – particularly in the corners of the mouth). I will boldly claim that I am cured of this. The corners of my mouth used to crack. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. It was so infuriating I would almost cry when I tried to eat an apple or visit the dentist. I was addicted to Burt’s Bees lip balm (which barely helped).
I’ve cracked my lips once since I started this process – and that was because they got pretty wind chapped. I’ve had dental hygienists who I swear were deliberately testing the elastic limits of my lips – and they still hold up. I read all the blog articles and WebMD recommendations. Nothing came close to the results I’ve experienced with what I recommend here.
Improved sleep and reduced congestion
These are separate, but related perks. I’m not sure why, but for most of my adult life my sinuses would stuff up at night. I’d spend the night flipping over and over just to let my nostrils drain back and forth. I would wake up a little stuffy, but then it would clear up after being vertical for a few minutes. That phenomenon completely went away after my gut/liver cleanse.
The results have been incredible. I really had no idea how awesome it was to breathe deeply and normally while sleeping. I wake up feeling refreshed and alert.
Greater sexual energy
I’ll spare you the details, but my sexual motivation has definitely jumped. It probably has to do with a combination of the above factors as well as eating foods that improve testosterone production (ie high quality eggs). I’m not claiming to have achieved Sting-like status, but I’ve enjoyed a marked improvement in performance. But I’ll let my wife be the judge.
Gateway “drug” to a healthier lifestyle
All this is just the tip of the iceberg. You can seriously take this to new levels of unburdening your body from harmful toxins that accumulate over our lifetimes. Heavy metals, BPA (plastics), hormones, pesticides, etc. Detox isn’t just for drug addicts anymore! As I’ve mentioned, there are some really good resources out there when you’re ready to take a deeper dive. The program I subscribe to and highly recommend is the Detox Dudes.
Cured my pattern baldness
Just kidding. That would be awesome though. Thankfully I look amazing with a shaved head. If anyone out there has the secret to growing hair back, send me a message and let me know!
Ready to learn more?
- PP Part I — Check out why PP is crucial for your health.
- PP Part II — Or go straight to the action. See the steps I took to reach PP.