I highly recommend this product. However, you shouldn’t do it until you’ve accomplished a quality gut cleanse first.
***Update October 2019***
Global Healing has updated this protocol a bit. My overall assessment remains unchanged. But there are a few differences from the previous kit:
1. Drastically simplified the diet and supplement schedule. This is especially nice for first-timers who may hav been overwhelmed by all the previous rules.
2. Substitued the lateroflora for liquid turmeric. I personally preferred the probiotics, but the turmeric is also very good for the healing process.
3. The olive oil and Epsom Salt are now included (vs buying your own from the store). This was a nice update as well.
- It’s a solid combination of quality supplements, strong customer support, and a reasonable price.
- It really worked. Better than I expected, actually!
- It takes a bit of determination to complete and (dare I say) courage to drink the Epsom salt water and the olive oil. Although, they do provide some techniques to that help.

Overall, I give it 4.5/5.0 Stars. I’ve now done it several times and the experience is always top-notch.
My hope is that my experience helps you along your own health journey. I don’t spare any details. So stay right there… let’s get started!
What (and why) in the world is a liver cleanse?
Imagine what would happen if you never changed the oil or filter on your car engine. Pretty idiotic right? Even the most ignorant car owners (like me) know that is a bad idea. Now … imagine your car is very expensive. Like $100,000 or more. Neglecting the oil filter system would seem even more reckless.
Blood is the “oil” of your body. And your liver is literally the filter that purifies your blood. Saying this is an important organ is a huge understatement.
Blood is the life force in your body – but it does gather toxins along its journey. In a perfect world, our bodies would easily discharge them after filtration. However, our world is not perfect. Poor diet, chemical exposure, alcohol abuse, heavy metals, parasites, and other crap are competing for attention in our otherwise well-designed immune systems.
Enter the concept of a targeted liver detox protocol. (Music plays the classic – Halleluiah!)
Who knew there was such a thing? When I stumbled across the idea, I assumed it was a sales gimmick. But after some quality research, it appeared to be really legit.
The end result … I was more than pleased. Doing it literally changed my health (and life) for the better.

So, Why Global Healing Center (GHC)?
After deciding to try a liver detox, I spent several days researching different options. There are plenty of herbs and supplements that help nourish the liver – like milk thistle, dandelion, and glutathione. However, what I love about the GHC liver cleanse protocol is the overall value and commitment to quality and service.
Here are a few highlights that keep me coming back:
- High quality ingredients. (Non-GMO, vegan, made in the US, wildcrafted or organic, and gluten free)
- Excellent money back guarantee.
- Numerous high-quality reviews from other users.
- It doesn’t just focus on a single supplement or technique. It simultaneously acts as a guide for healthier thinking, eating, liver cleaning, and self-awareness.
- Dedication to educating the customer. They don’t just push products. They provide detailed instructions in various formats, blogs, videos, etc.
- Excellent value. Not dirt cheap, but very reasonable – especially for what’s included. Plus they offer a discount for first-timers.
- Shipping was pretty fast. 2-3 days usually.
A quick word of caution:

It’s very important that you complete a gut cleanse before attempting to detox the liver. Detoxifying the liver will likely release years-worth of crud into your gut – which is your body’s natural path to the exit. If that pathway is backed up with constipated materials, you may wind up re-absorbing toxins back into your blood. This can make you feel ill and/or cause your body to capture and filter them again.
The first time I did this, I chose the to clean my gut via the Master Cleanse (modified juice fast) for 10 days – followed by a week reintroducing food and bring all systems back “online.” The master cleanse is a popular fasting protocol that limits intake to a specific type of lemon juice. No solid foods.
While fasting is a powerful method of cleansing your gut, there are less extreme ways to accomplish this. GHC also has a pretty affordable cleansing protocol that’s pretty gentle and includes healthy foods during the process. I recommend it to anyone who is nervous about fasting or has a history of eating disorders. If you’re willing to spend a little more and really clean your insides, I highly recommend their more complete protocol that includes power digestive enzymes and stronger probiotics.
Enough already – let’s get to it!
After breaking the fast for a week, I rolled right into the Global Healing Liver Detox Protocol.
I was impressed that it only took about took about 3 days to receive my “kit.” It was exceptionally well-packaged in recyclable materials. Not a chance anything rattled around in transit. The box was thoughtfully arranged to include a high-quality instruction sheet that prominently displayed a hotline – if I had any questions (which I used on Day-5).
I laid everything out and read the info sheet (which you can also find on the website if needed).

Some preparation was necessary. However, the detailed instructions made this relatively painless. I made my grocery shopping list and headed to the store. The list included:
- Organic fruits and vegetables.
- Various nuts and seeds.
- Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar (my first time trying ACV).
Three 1-gallon jugs of purified water. I chose a mix of distilled and spring. I generally avoid reverse osmosis because it strips out all minerals.A small bottle of organic olive oil (GHC now includes this in the updated liver detox kit).A small carton of Epsom Salt (GHC now includes this in the new liver kit as well).- A cheap plastic colander (not required – but adds an interesting twist on the last day).
Quick Recommended Reading Tip:
As I was preparing for my liver detox, I read The Green Body Cleanse by Dr. Group – the founder of GHC. It was a great introduction to healthier living. He covers not just what we consume, but healthy living in general. I recommend you read it as well. It comes in digital format and is very affordable (like $3 on kindle). You can get it on the GHC website in PDF format for a few extra dollars.
You do get a free PDF copy with most supplement purchases. I paid a few dollars to download and read it first simply out of curiosity.
The book did have a few instances of product placement. However, I appreciated that he didn’t make it one long sales pitch. There’s plenty of quality info in there.
Overview of the eating plan:
The eating plan is based on a vegan diet. I am not a vegan, but it works very well during detox because its very easy for the body to process these foods. Things like meat and cheese (even high quality) are more difficult to break down and slow the digestion process. Depending on the toxicity of your liver, you will begin releasing crud into your gut throughout the week. Then you will flush the liver on the last day. Its imperative that things are moving along freely – if you know what I mean.
The instructions tell you everything you need to do. So there’s no guesswork.
I took a hard look at my schedule and mapped out the daily routine. If you have relatively stable schedule, this may be easier. This was not the case for me, but I still made it work using a series of alarms on my phone to remind me when I needed to pause and take action.
It’s also recommended that you plan day five to end on a weekend or off-day – and to clear your schedule. It’s a rather unusual routine and you want to be as stress-free as possible.
The plan offers several diet options throughout the week. I chose foods that kept it simple.
Preparation wasn’t difficult.
- Fruits for breakfast (but not the rest of the day)
- Raw nuts/seeds for snacks
- Salads for lunch and dinner
The fruit felt a bit like a treat in the morning. Watermelon and apples were my choice. The salads were a mix of the organic bags I found at Trader Joes. TJs also sells raw shredded broccoli slaw and carrots – which added variety of flavor and texture.
Most salad dressings are total garbage. So be careful if you choose to use one. Go for something organic and light – like a vinaigrette.
Note: When I say “light,” that doesn’t necessarily mean “fat free” – the chemicals and sugars they add to most dressings to make them “light” are usually worse than just getting something with a high-quality fat (like olive oil).
And that was the routine for four days.

By day three, I was in the groove. I didn’t feel anything drastically different each day. Although my morning craps were absolutely enormous. And I kept waking up with annoyingly hard erections. Probably from all the raw almonds and Brazil nuts. Which made me feel 20 years younger again!
By day five, the routine was getting pretty stale. My taste buds were going on strike and threatened to die of boredom. I felt good, but it was time to get this cleanse over with!
A few recommendations:
- Mix a few flavored nuts in with the raw nuts. My favorites are BBQ and wasabi flavors. You don’t get as many health benefits from roasted or flavored nuts, but even just a few will dramatically improve the flavor and break the monotony.
- Throw some of those nuts on your salads as well. It adds more texture and flavor. It also helps it feel more filling. Hummus is also a handy addition to keep things interesting.
- Get a large Nalgene bottle with a scale of oz/mL on the side. This really helps when tracking your consumption throughout the day.
- Set a series of alarms on your phone to remind you when to consume snacks, drinks, meals, supplements. Most smartphones have this feature built-in. You can even label the alarm – so it’s dummy proof. “Ding – Ding … hey bro, stop surfing YouTube and eat lunch now!”
- This may sound weird, but the instructions say to stand in front of the mirror and verbalize, “I am healthy and clean” a few times. I didn’t do that the first time, but I’ve since come to realize the incredible power of thought and spoken word. What you say and believe about yourself will make a difference. Besides, what do you have to lose? It’s simple, easy, and takes like 10 seconds. So try it!
- Journaling. I’ve done this protocol several times now and I take detailed notes each time. I encourage you to do this as well. As your health improves, you may remember dramatic leaps forward, but it’s easy to forget certain nuances and incremental improvements – which ultimately lead to the biggest gains. There are zillions of options out there, but I prefer simple and affordable – like Amazon Basics.
Day 5
The final day was different. I had arranged it to fall on a Saturday so that I wouldn’t be distracted. I planned out my eating and food prep for the day and was looking forward to the soup. Mainly because it was ready to eat something different.
The Soup:
The soup includes a variety of organic veggies and … beets. Which I wasn’t really excited about. But by that point, I was more courageous about trying new/healthier foods.

Beets taste a little earthy (read: dirt), but the garlic and other spices helped a lot. Plus beets are really good for your digestive health – which is the entire point of this exercise.
They will, however, stain the crap out of anything they touch. So be careful with preparing them. And don’t be frightened later when your poo looks like a river of blood. You’re hemorrhaging beet juice – not blood (hopefully).
If the soup is too much work, there are other options, like eating only avocados or raw walnuts. But I had the time, so I figured I would go all in and try the top recommendation.
After eating the soup – my ears felt warm and my hearing sounded a little “blurry.” Which I’ve noticed is a normal reaction when suddenly changing up my diet – similar to what I experience when breaking a fast.
Then came the real test of my grit….
Test of Wills #1 – Drinking Epsom Salts:
I realized later in the afternoon that I didn’t have any Epsom salts. I’m not sure how I missed that detail, but I wondered if regular sea salt would work.
So I called the hotline. I figured it would be a good chance to see if it worked and what sort of customer service they had at GHC.
Well, I was pleasantly surprised that the wait was very short. I spoke to a well-informed guy with an American accent. Which signaled that they hadn’t simply outsourced their customer service to Bangladesh. He knew exactly what I was talking about the informed me that Epsom salt was uniquely suited to expand the tube between the gallbladder and my GI tract. And because I was about to seriously flush that bad boy out, it was best to make that pipe as big as possible.
So I ran out to the local supermarket and picked up a small, inexpensive carton – much like the little milk cartons we used to drink in school. I’m not sure why I enjoyed opening the triangular spout, but I briefly time-traveled back 30 years to grade school. But I digress…
Drinking the Epsom salt solution wasn’t exactly fun. That stuff is bitter AF! Blech… but it was over before I really had time to complain. I chased it with a little apple cider vinegar to cleanse my palate.
Test of Wills #2 – Drinking Organic Olive Oil:
This one scared me a bit. Just the idea of downing half a glass of olive oil made me want to gag. But again, I wasn’t about to quit. It wasn’t the first time I’d ingested something disagreeable in the name of good health (and certainly wasn’t the last). So why not?
Luckily, the instruction booklet was pretty helpful. It recommended a few ways to help cut the taste – which involved fresh-squeezed orange juice. Thanks GHC!
They recommend immediately going to bed after drinking the olive oil. So I made sure I had everything ready. Took a piss, got in my PJs, got my toothbrush ready, and even pull the sheets down on my bed.
I elected to just chug the oil and chase it with OJ. Better to just get it over with – like jumping into cold water. So I took a couple deep breaths, held my nose, and down the hatch it went.
The texture and slimy feeling in my mouth was pretty nasty. The taste hit me a second later. I’d like to say in retrospect that “it wasn’t that bad” … but it was awful. However, I didn’t gag. So I quickly brushed my teeth and laid in bed – curled up on my side as instructed.
There were moments of slight nausea, but I never felt at risk of vomiting. I spent some time reflecting on the entire process. Then after 30 minutes, I stretched out and quickly fell asleep.
Flush Day:
I woke up at least once during the night to pee, but that was about it. And I felt pretty normal the next morning. But I was anxious to see if I expelled any “stones” from my gallbladder and liver.
I immediately drank about 1 liter of water. And as per the recommendation, I took several pills of Oxypowder to help ensure things moved to the exit. I later ate some fruit and waited to poop. I even put the cheap colander in the toilet to see if there were any liver stones. I did poo, but it was mostly normal – other than the blood-red color from the beet soup.
Later that morning, I drank another liter of water. And this time…
Holy SH*T – I expelled what felt like a load of gravel. What I saw …
Blew. My. Mind.
Hundreds of emerald-green “rocks” were in the colander. Most were smaller than a dime, but a few were as big as a quarters.
I used a stick to break one apart. Sorry if that sounds gross – but my curiosity got the better of me. They were the consistency of jelly beans. Little gelatinous stones containing trapped toxins from my liver and gallbladder.

And I gotta say – I felt ABSOLUTELY AMAZING.
Now, I’m not 100% convinced that all these stones were simply trapped in my liver – then magically released by the olive oil. I tend to think that the stones were mainly formed by the saturation of the olive oil and coagulated into what I saw in the colander.
However, I did the exact same liver cleanse about 3 months later – just to make sure I was complete. And the second time around, I only expelled a fraction of the stones as the original cleanse. In fact, I’ve done it several times now and I’ve never had the same sort of volume as the first detox. So there seems to be something to the fact that there were more stones or toxins awaiting expulsion. I could be wrong, but either way, the result was awesome.
Life after the Liver Cleanse:
I literally felt like a different person in the following weeks. The full list of improvements are listed on my site here. But in a nutshell:
- I no longer craved certain junk foods like pizza.
- I never gave up my daily shot of apple cider vinegar – either full strength or diluted in my water. I prior to that, I barely tolerated the smell of it.
- My energy levels shot up dramatically.
- My concentration and alertness improved.
- My body weight returned to about 175lbs – and stayed there. Which is about 10-15lbs less than I was carrying before my gut/liver detox.
- It dramatically improved my health. Sickness, cold sores, cracked lips, baggy eyes, testosterone levels, and so on…
I genuinely felt healthier and proud of my accomplishment – like I had taken a serious step toward commanding health. It’s a very empowering experience – and the genesis of my fascination with naturally boosting my health!
Which, dear reader, is why I started this site. I am excited to share the experience and hopefully help you along your journey.

- If you’re interested in taking the plunge – you can grab your liver cleanse here. Just remember to do the colon cleanse first!
- If you have any questions or feedback, hit me up here. I’d love to hear from you!
- Or share this with someone you know. I appreciate the referrals!

To your health!
Jonny Lee – Potty Perfectionist